Foliarex Foroof SP. Z O.O. with headquarters in Częstochowa (42-280) at Przejazdowa 2 A,B Str., informs that from May 25, 2018, you will be entitled to the rights set forth below for processing your personal data by Foliarex Foroof SP. Z O.O. According to art. 13 par. 1 and 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), we inform that:

  1. an administrator in accordance with art. 4 pt 7 RODO is Foliarex Foroof SP. Z O.O. with headquarters in Częstochowa (42-280) at Przejazdowa 2 A,B Str., contact: RODO@FOROOF.COM.PL
  2. Your data is processed in order to implement the contract.
  3. The recipients of your personal data are entities authorized by law, such as the Social Insurance Institution, the Tax Office, the National Labor Inspectorate, enforcement authorities, Courts, the National Court Register, insurance companies, as well as entities and IT companies cooperating with the Administrator;
  4. Your personal data will not be forwarded to a third country or international organization;
  5. Your personal data will be kept for the period of:
    • in connection with the conclusion of a contract, for the purpose of its implementation – for the duration of the contract,
    • in the scope of establishing and pursuing claims or defending against claims – until the period of expiration of potential claims under the contract or another title,
    • in the scope of fulfilling legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator – for the period in which the law requires the Administrator to store the documentation and to fulfill the obligations arising therefrom towards you,
  6. You have:
    • the right to access the data, based on art. 15 of the Regulation;
    • the right to correct the data, based on art. 16 of the Regulation;
    • the right to remove the data, based on art. 17 of the Regulation;
    • the right to limit data processing, based on art. 18 of the Regulation;
    • the right to object to the processing of the data, based on art. 21 of the Regulation;
    • the right to transfer the data, based on art. 20 of the Regulation;
  7. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal if the processing takes place on the basis of a prior consent for processing based on art. 6 par. 1 let. a) or art. 9 par. 2 let. a) GDPR;
  8. You have the right to submit a complaint to the supervising authority – if you consider that the processing of personal data is carried out in violation of the GDPR;
  9. Providing your personal data is a necessary condition for the provision of services and the failure to provide the data will result in the inability to provide services (performance of the contract);

Your data will NOT be subject to automated decision making, including profiling referred to in art. 22 par. 1 and 4 GDPR.